Future Plans
The charity plans to assist its beneficiaries financially by paying for services which will relieve patients' conditions, such as
Providing free or subsidised transport for patients to and from hospital
Providing therapeutic activities to relieve pain during flare-ups such as music lessons, art lessons, Lego therapy, exercise classes and magicians for IBD patients of all ages
Preparing appealing food which meets the dietary and cultural requirements of patients
Financing respite breaks for patients and their family members, post-hospitalisation
CCR is planning to provide a wide variety of equipment to support IBD sufferers, such as washing machines, dryers, freezers, extra toilets, bedding and clothing
Providing benefits related advice to reduce stress and financial pressure
CCR is planning to pay for:
initial medical consultations,
speeded up treatment in cases of emergency,
blood and stool tests, scans, endoscopy and colonoscopy etc. for the diagnosis of IBD, if there is an unacceptably long NHS waiting list.
CCR is planning to pay for a second opinion to ensure the best medical treatment when the initial treatment fails to work.
CCR is planning to pay for a session with a psychotherapist or other mental health professional to help IBD patients manage and reduce anxiety, which contributes to increased inflammation and causes flare-ups.